On Sunday December 12, Dellrose hosted their Snow Day event at the community clubhouse and lawn, with an impressive turnout. Over 600 people were in attendance, including homeowners and those who came from outside the community too, making it one of Dellrose’s most successful events to date. There were a variety of events for families to partake in, with something for everyone to enjoy. Guests were able to explore the offerings of 25 local businesses, go sledding down a snowy hill, take pictures with Santa and so much more.
While weather conditions were on the warmer side leading up to the event, temperatures dropped to 40 degrees fahrenheit the night before the big day, creating the perfect atmosphere for fun-filled holiday activities.
Over 200 families had the opportunity to meet with and take pictures with Santa, creating the perfect photo op for holiday cards. The annual Dellrose gingerbread house competition also took place at our Snow Day event. 5 families partook in a little friendly competition, with 1 lucky family taking home the grand prize.
Throughout the afternoon, a live DJ played festive tunes for the crowd to enjoy and hosted different contests to keep everyone energized and engaged. Looking out into the sea of people, it was hard not to see our guests’ getting into the holiday spirit and families having a merry time.
With the holiday season being a time to give back to our community, we’re proud to share that we collected and donated over 30 toys for Toys for Tots, a charity with the mission of distributing toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas.
If you missed out on last year’s Snow Day at Dellrose, don’t worry — we have so many other fun events coming up this year that we can’t wait to share. For all the latest updates on what’s happening in the community, be sure to check out our news page, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.